Thursday, January 26, 2006

Breaking the Curse

I have my own stall at the local Barnes & Noble.

I don't know what it is about that place, but every time I go in there, I end up using the restroom. And when I say "using the restroom" I mean using it in the most used manner possible.

I thought it was just the local store, but I have found this B&N curse to hold true for me in Vegas, Boston, and New York. Even when I don't think I have to go, I can wander around the store for just a few minutes and then have to dash to the Ladies'. (By the way, the restroom in most Barnes & Nobles is located near the children's section. There are probably less accidents that way, I would guess.)

Yesterday, my husband and I got to spend the day together. After sitting through a meeting at the kids' school, we ended up at the Starbucks Cafe, located in the Barnes and Noble.

We sat and talked for an hour.

After an hour, it suddenly occurred to me that not only hadn't I had to run to the bathroom, I still didn't feel like I might need to. "Hey! I haven't been to the bathroom yet!" I told my husband. Woo hoo! The curse was broken. Now I could maybe start looking the B&N employees in the eyes.

We only had about fifteen minute to kill before we needed to pick up my son, so we started to peruse some books.

And, damn it! I had to pee.

"Figures," I told my husband. "I have to pee. I'll be right back."

Well, at least it was just pee.

I did my business, washed up, and returned to shopping with my husband. And not one minute went by, before I had to make a mad dash.

Damn it, damn it, damn it!

"What the hell is it about this place?" I asked my husband as I raced away. He only laughed at me.

Well, on the bright side, at least I know of a place where I can go if I ever get constipated.

Does anyone else have a curse like me?

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